ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Imran Khan, Dr. Shantanu Sharma & Dr. Sapna Malla

As the sports are going globalized, the rehabilitation which is require to be done after the sports injury becoming the domain for the specialists, which can be among sports physiotherapist, the sports physician, and the orthopedic surgeon. The changing profile of sports related injury, just as restricted accessibility of offices for restoration in numerous spaces of India, involves concern. Tip top sportspersons have some assurance; however, the normal competitor is frequently left to fight for himself. Key elements in effective games injury restoration conventions are the use of current recovery conventions under fitting oversight, suitable and very much coordinated careful mediations, and wise and need based utilization of drug specialists. A critical factor in all games injury recovery conventions is injury avoidance; this includes information upkeep by groups or mentors, which is as yet not completely created in the Indian setting. The injury and ensuing issues should be understood both by competitors and their mentors. While ligaments are very impressive, they can be extended or even torn, bringing about various grades of injuries. A ligament tear for the most part happens because of outrageous power to a joint, for example, with a fall or another high-sway occasion. Normal ligament tears are to the lower leg, knee, wrist, thumb, neck, or back ligaments.


Keywords: Sports Rehabilitation, Ligament Injuries.


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