ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Ruchi Agarwal

World War II was over but the nations were in ruins and the world wanted peace. Fifty-one countries gathered in San Francisco that year to sign a document. The document was a Charter which created an organization, the United Nations, Established on October 24, 1945. One of the main objectives of the United Nations is to solve economic, social, cultural and humanitarian Global issues through international cooperation. A number of specialized UN Agencies have been established to achieve these goals. A global issue is any issue (problem, risk) that adversely affects the global community and the environment. UN agencies play an important role in solving these global issues. Currently, there are 17 specialized agencies in the United Nations that work on global issues. As the world today becomes more globalized and interconnected, interconnected global issues are increasing in importance. These issues cannot be resolved by some powerful countries or even through regional efforts. These include a range of issues such as climate change, global public health challenges, drug trafficking, human trafficking, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and international terrorism.  New dimensions of cyber security and space security have also been added to this.  These issues can be solved unified only and for this special UN Agencies are playing an important role.



Keywords: Global Issues, Proliferation, Trafficking, Dimensions, Agencies.


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