Information and communication technologies (ICT) have been continuously developing giving rise to various technologies which are used in almost all walks of life. Information and communication technologies have captured the social aspect of individuals such as mode of communication and information as well as the service industry is known as ‘social informatics’. Social informatics has changed the social picture including the practice in medicine. The ICT development has led to dramatic changes in the field of medical practice such as introduction of online medical consultation, online pharmacies, telemedicine, medical information system, etc. These kinds of informatics have offered great choices to individuals as the medical services are available at one click. This kind of transformation in medical practice is due to different applications of e-medicine. E-medicine is not just providing medical services online but also includes providing information.  Telemedicine involves the use of ICT to deliver health care to patients abroad. The main legal concern relating to telemedicine is the jurisdiction governing such exchange of information and the right to practice of the doctors. The next most popular mode of e-medicine is online pharmacy. There are many internet pharmacies that not only provide medicines online but also provide online consultation as well. The conduct of such pharmacies will be regulated by which law and what will be consequences of wrong consultation are few of the major challenges. The paper will focus on the various modes and usages of e-medicine and the likely consequences and the legal issues around it. The paper will also deal with the privacy and confidentiality issues which are the integral part of medical ethics as the doctor- patient relationship is of fiduciary nature. The technology used in e-medicine may be advanced but it should also follow certain medical ethics.


Keywords: E-medicine, Health Care, Social Impact, Medical Ethics.


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