ISO 9001:2015


Dr. G. Yashodha

Blended Learning has been considered an effective approach of delivering learning content as it is simple and flexible. The key purpose of this research study was to find the general interest of students towards blended learning with the course design, learning experience and personal factors. In the next step the motivation of the blended learning was also measured with help of indicators like interest, attention, confidence, relevance and satisfaction, for the same group of respondents. Non-random sample selection techniques are used in this study. The sample of the study included 291 higher education students: 119 female and 172 male participants. The participants included 197 (67.7%) were from a rural area, 94 (32.3%) from an urban area, and 243 (83.5%) were in the Bachelor of Arts Education programs and the others, 48 (18.5%) were in the Bachelor of Science Education programs. All the students participated in the survey were currently attending offline courses or included those who finished their last semester virtually. Aim: The aim of this study was to identify students interest towards blended learning and satisfaction levels in different cluster groups in Tiruchirappalli. Method: A questionnaire was distributed to the students through online survey technique was used to gather data about the interest of students towards blended learning. Descriptive statistics and cluster analysis were used to test the number of groups. Results: Based on the k-mean and hierarchical clustering, three cluster groups were identified: Cluster 1-Moderate learner 40.2%, Cluster 2 - Good learner13.4% and Cluster 3 - Excellent learner 46.4%.



Keywords: Blended Learning, Cluster Analysis, Students’ Interest and Motivation.


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