The National Education Policy, laying down a road map for the next two decades, has been adopted in the midst of a pandemic and a lockdown. The New Education Policy (2020) is a ray of hope recognizing equitable inclusive education: Learning for All. Today ‘Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao’ has reached new heights and with the advent of NEP 2020, greater emphasis is being laid upon education of women. The GOI constituted a “Gender Inclusion Fund” to provide quality and equitable education for all girls. The fund will focus on ensuring 100% enrolment of girls in schooling and a record participation rate in higher education, decrease gender gaps at all levels, practice gender equity and inclusion in society. Gender imbalance has been noticed under many areas, especially the rural. The inclusion of transgender students in “Gender Inclusion Fund” is particularly significant in the backdrop of Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act. The NEP now states that the “Gender Inclusion Fund” will be available to states to implement priorities determined by the central government critical for assisting female and transgender children in gaining access to education (such as the provisions of sanitation and toilets, bicycles, conditional cash transfers, etc.). Study is based on primary data which was collected via well-structured questionnaire to various schools in Delhi/NCR region. Finally, data was collected from 19 schools shared via Email ID with the administrators of schools and the collected data was analysed using secondary sources available on HRD Ministry website, UGC website, CBSE website, and other official websites of Government of India, online resources, research papers, journals and periodicals. The data collected was summarized using charts and tables. The questionnaire was structured in various parts: First part was about school enrolment ratio 2020-2021 to 2021-2022 in Higher Secondary (11-12), Secondary (9-10), Upper Primary (6-8), Upper Primary (6-8), Pre-Primary in various categories (boys, girls, transgender). Second part was about school infrastructure with (9 parameters). Third part collected details about gender equality (2 parameters), gender sensitization (9 parameters). Fourth part collected the details about the implementation of NEP 2020 in schools with (9 parameters). Data from 19 schools in Delhi region is analyzed through charts and tables in order to assess the level of implementation of NEP 2020.



Keywords: Gender Inclusion Fund, National Education Policy, Transgenders, Women Empowerment.


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