“No struggle can ever succeed without women’s participation side by side with men. There are two powers in the world, one is the sword, and one is the pen. There is a third power, stronger than both, that of women”. Women in India now have a unique position of equality with males in accordance with the constitution and the law. But the Indian women came to the current position a long way. In India, gender unfairness first comes down to Mahabharata’s historical days when Draupadi was placed as a commodity in her husband's dice. Women in reality are the main force in all societies. While everyone knows this, none is willing to accept this truth. In the country’s overall growth, women education plays a important role in India. This helps not only to develop half the human resources, but also to improve the quality of life at home and abroad. Role of education allows women to meet the obstacles and improve their lives. Today, an Indian woman is a pilot, doctor, engineer, millionaire entrepreneur, and everything she wants to be. That’s how the times have changed. Various schemes and policies are implemented for the sake of women but do not reach them. Hence, there are some serious concerns that need to be resolved in time.



Keywords: Women Empowerment, Equality, Education.


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