Our society is caste-based society. Caste is deep rooted in Indian society. The growing opportunity through education, rising social mobility, reservation of seats for the underprivileged has led to lots of change in the traditional defined structure/hierarchy and status- both in economic yet as socio-psychological ways. People have started moving out travel to review, work, find jobs fighting aloof from hereditary occupation, change lifestyle and consumption patterns. Everything is acknowledged and supported by the relations and village members too. But when it involves marriage, caste plays an important role- not only in villages but also in urban and mega cities. One simple example from day-to-day life is enough let's say the purpose we've got a special column for matrimonial alliances under specific caste headings and sub headings. This also clearly shows that marriage gives strength to class structure and it's this very reason that marriage must be controlled as our society is extremely caste ridden society. Not only from social point of view but also from political- economic point of view, it's believed that marriage must be controlled and it has to be in ones’ own caste and not outside it. The study thus looks not only at the problems of inter caste marriage in an in-depth manner but also the resistance and changing patterns in society, the ability plays and dynamics of varied generations in resisting the trend towards marrying outside their caste. And last but not the least; the study also reflects on alternate mechanisms as strategies which are able to contribute for a just and humane society. The study also looks at the role of police and judiciary likewise because the medium in promoting/ hindering the wedding outside caste norms. Thus, the scope of study aimed toward understanding the complete dynamics of inters caste marriage in the present scenario.



Keywords: Matrimonial, Judiciary, Inter-caste, Socialize, Modernistic, Principles, Strength, Study.


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