Historically, it is seen that the people considered tribals were living in remote forest and hilly areas as part and parcel of India population. As Indian tribal communities are deeply rooted with nature, indigenous livelihood, folk culture oral and little traditions and they are mostly confined to their own people. They had enjoyed an autonomous life of their own pattern Living in rural simplicity, in colonial ethnography and Anthropology, they offer invaluable heritage and rich culture to our country along with historical significance through participation in Indian freedom movement Colonial policy towards tribes resulted in exploitation of the tribes and breakage of their nexus with the ecological environment. The past experiences of the policies of isolation and assimilation followed by the colonial government introduced disparities in tribal situations. The western notion of modernity followed by the administrators and missionaries resulted in attempts to assimilate them to the national mainstream. Issues of tribal development integration and autonomy had been highly complicated price and Inception of the British rule in India complexity of Indian tribal population made the task of integration and autonomy even difficult Independence the Government of India had to deliberate a lot of issues before coming with a policy for the tribal development and still evolving to suit to best of the cost the theoretical basis after development away in context of Indian tribals is the issue to make the balance between the autonomy and integration.

KEYWORDS: Tribal, Indian, Autonomy, Integration, Government.


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