Food Sovereignty, Right to Food, Food Security and Food Safety are major terms accustomed fulfill dream of food for all. Food sovereignty word connotes two words food and sovereignty which implies sovereignty over food (food should be available to any or all the people in a country without interference or control of any country). Food should be provided to all or any by all means (political concept) independently with none interference or control of any international markets. It includes Social justice, Protections of Farmer’s Right and Indigenous People to manage their future and take decision independently for defense of crops and seeds; it includes self sufficiency and native controls over accessibility of food. Whereas Right to Food is Legal concept and Food Security could be a technical concept. It includes right of individuals to supply food independently without the interference of international markets. Food Security controls the world economy supported liberalized world’s agricultural market and is protected through legislation (National Food Security Act, 2013 in India). Indian Constitution protects and recognizes Right to food as a fundamental Right under Article-21 (Right to Life) which establishes Equality at Social, Economic and Political level to all or any citizens to measure with dignity. Right to food isn't directly explicit in Indian Constitution; it's indirectly explicit in right to life under Article-21 (protection of life and individual liberty). This text is written to draw the attentions of research scholars and government toward the effective implementation of right to food and to guide them to resolve the difficulty of food availability to everyone as their constitutional right.


Keywords: Constitution, Supplementary, Sovereignty, Agriculture, Diseases, Economic, Deficiency.


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