ISO 9001:2015


Krishna Prakash M & Dr. Jawahar Philimis

Employee retention is an important aspect of the business strategy as it contributes to the growth of the organization. Retaining employees, particularly talented employees, would give the company a competitive advantage over the long term. Thus, this study was conducted to understand the factors influencing employee retention in IT Sector. This is a conceptual paper reviewed in the research articles, News and other sources related to retention for the past 4 years to understand the IT Industry.  Many of the employees may also tend to leave the job for various undisclosed factors such as lack of job security, lack of career advancement, desire for change in new opportunities, anticipating higher pay, problems with supervisors and few other personal reasons. It creates a great difficulty for Human resource personnel to fill the gap that has occurred. Modern Human resource managers are taking various steps to reduce the employee attrition rate and it has been a pivotal challenge for today’s Managers. This Study has the broad factors such as Compensation, work-life balance; work environment, Job Security, Job satisfaction, training, and development were all examined in depth in this study. Measures and initiatives taken by the company should be more consistent to gain employee retention. Long term retention requires a structured and inclusive approach.



Keywords: Employee Retention, IT industry, Retention Factors.


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