Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises : An Overview

The purpose of the study is to have a look upon micro small and medium enterprises which is characterized by low investment requirement, operational flexibility, location wise mobility, and import substitution. The Government has been encouraging and supporting the sector through policies for infrastructural support, technology up gradation, preferential access to credit, reservation of products for exclusive manufacture in the sector, preferential purchase policy, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) constitute a large share of enterprises in most countries and are cornerstone of economies. They are major source of employment and income in most countries. The MSMEs lead to entrepreneurial development and diversification of the industrial sector, and also provide depth to industrial base of the economy. More employment opportunities However, they need to be competitive to survive and grow in the present era of liberalized and digital economy, making national boundaries almost irrelevant. Most of the SMEs are inward looking and not very competitive. They merely survive and sooner than later, seize to exist.


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