History could be a witness to the actual fact that the person has been endlessly struggling continuously to manage his environment so on improve his well being. This capacity of the person increased considerably following the commercial, scientific and technological revolutions. The spread of diseases like the insect, rodent, water and food borne infections which at only once couldn't be attributed to the most causes of death morbidity has been practically controlled. All this has been kept away from affecting the natural environment surrounding the person. But because the time passed, new problems started coming to the forefront and resulted in disbalancing the character. The population explosion, affluent society with unlimited wants, increased radiations, the automobiles, greater energy use, increased food production needs and a few other related developments are accountable for creating the imbalance. There’s growing evidence in many parts of the planet of "dangerous levels of pollution in water, air, earth and living beings; major and undesirable disturbances to the ecological balance of the biosphere; destruction and depletion of irreplaceable resources; and gross deficiencies harmful to the physical, mental and social health of man. It absolutely was this background which helped the signing of the Stockholm Declaration of 1972 which for the primary time drew the eye of the globe community for preservation and protection of human environment. the chief purpose of this study is to spot a number of the key issues, forces and factors that are central to the answer of the matter of protection, conservation and management of environment; to analysis the trends in pollutants quality distribution; to look at critically the assorted laws managing the control of pollution-, to judge the efficacy and adequacy of the prevailing laws in combating the environmental degradation; to look at the national policy concerning environmental protection; to check the role of the judiciary in respect to environment protection legislation and its interpretation and lastly, to judge the implementation process of laws regarding environmental protection.
Keywords: Pollution, Consumption, Management, Sustain, Human, Destruction, Ecological.