Modern HR is built on a foundation of a transformed HR organization. In the present scenario, digitizing HR will change everything about the way we work, including the nature of work being performed, career planning for the employees, level of knowledge among the workers, employers’ expectations, and the skills one’s needs to complete the job. Digital technology has the potential and ability to transform HR and its implementation has the stages of the process of changing the operational HR processes. After the digitalization, the organization has become intelligent, modern, and transparent. Social media has helped a lot to get consumer feedback and now that the work has become totally digitalized, automated, faster, and dynamic to meet consumer expectations. The role of HR is also changing and introducing digital transformation has been a core part of implementing HR professionals in their different functions. This article will discuss the relevance of the adoption of digital transformation in the real sense. The study will try and find out the reasons why organizations need to adopt this transformation to bring change in their way of work. The paper will highlight the different ways in which these transformation strategies are adopted across the companies. This paper will also focus on digital transformational challenges and the ways in which it is to be solved efficiently.



Keywords: Digitalizing HR, HR Processes Transformational, Social Media, Consumer Feedback.


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