Although it is important to acquire talented workforce for the long-term sustenance and growth of any business, equally important is to empower the existing employees for higher productivity and profitability of the organization along with their personal and professional growth. Furthermore, their long term commitment and loyalty would come along as an additional bonus!!

                According to the Harvard Business Review, empowered employees can make all the difference.

                “When employees feel empowered at work, it’s associated with their improved job performance, job satisfaction and commitment to the organization”

                Employee empowerment may prove to be a panacea for various organizational evils, if implemented with care. Employee empowerment is, giving employees the required authority, the ability, the responsibility and some degree of autonomy to use the organizational resources and take their work related decisions on their own. Today, we have smart workers with exorbitant exposure, awareness, adaptability and mobility. They are well aware of their rights and responsibilities as employees. So, they bank upon empowerment for their better performance and carrier development. Moreover the employers also need the empowered employees for higher productivity, profitability and growth of their organizations. The employers who are committed to the growth and development of their employees look forward to empowerment as one of the most strategic ways to attract, motivate and retain the key human resources critical for the success of their organizations. By encouraging newness and variety in employee empowerment practices, any organization can allure a wider range of potential audiences, those perhaps wouldn’t have previously considered that kind of a career option. Investing in employee empowerment put forth a win-win situation for both the employees as well as the organizations. Employees feel valued, equipped and motivated resulting into their higher efficiency, commitment, creativity and much more. Additionally they get more involved in developing new ideas, identifying better opportunities, improving job performance, increasing productivity, acquiring market share  and so on and so forth. Nonetheless, incorporating employee empowerment practices makes you the preferred employer in the market and help to retain top talent besides gaining a competitive edge over rest of the players in the industry. This study aims to examine various dimensions of employee empowerment like challenging Goals, role clarity, job enrichment, futuristic training, performance appraisal, better communication and decision making autonomy. For better analysis and understanding of the concept, the manufacturing industry has been chosen. Hence the study is directed towards the effects of empowerment on manufacturing industry and targeted to trigger thoughts in the minds of many to resolve upcoming challenges. The most important aspect of the study is that how the empowerment motivates the employees much more than anything else including the financial rewards. This may be used as a roadmap by the manufacturing industry for better achievement of their desired goals in the times to come.


Keywords: Autonomy, Adaptability, Performance Appraisal, Manufacturing, Strategies, Empowerment.


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