Innovations in marketing strategies always remain a challenge for marketing strategists. Over the last hundred years, the marketing techniques are kept on developing, and each time that evolved new horizons and extraordinary ideas. Sometimes these ideas went well and sometimes go wrong. Blending of Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) within marketing strategies is the new trend for businesses. In the past, CSR is assumed just as a philanthropy activity which is done only by big corporate houses. But the scenario has changed with time. As the effect of globalization, the societies are opening up, and are becoming more extroverts in discussing the issues which are considered a taboo few years back.  So the marketing strategies are taking new routes to connect with their prospective customers. The present research paper aims to evaluate the impact on the business performance of blending CSR with marketing strategies. The paper evaluates some campaigns where the businesses blend CSR with promotional activities. The effect of these campaigns is studied through primary data. The primary data is collected through the questionnaire which is distributed to the various social groups to study the awareness of these campaigns of the businesses. The study concludes that there is a remarkable positive effect of this blended strategy and it helps in the right positioning of the products as well brands in the customer's mind. It is also aligned with the primary objective of companies' i.e. the shareholders' wealth maximization because CSR is again an important factor on the checklist of fundamental analysis. Henceforth, it is concluded that businesses must endeavor to blend CSR in their marketing activities to benefit society, customers, employees, the company, and shareholders. It is a win-win situation for all stakeholders of the businesses.


Keywords: CSR, Marketing Strategy, Business Performance, Blended Strategy.


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