By ‘Influence’ what we mean is leaving an impression on the mind of people. The effect could be on anyone, could be direct or indirect, could leave a favourable or unfavourable impact. It may appear that organisations have started using influencer as marketing strategy in recent past, but in reality, enterprises have been using ‘influencer’ as a selling strategy to market a product or a service for ages, as it is another form of selling strategy where one gets influenced by word of mouth. Marketing through influencer is nothing but extensive form of reference marketing strategy. The idea behind this survey is to study the impact of ‘influencers’ on the buying pattern of cosmetic goods by Indians. The objective of this study is “To determine how ‘influencers’ through social media impact the cosmetic buying decisions of customers in India.” The objective of the study is to find the effect on buying pattern of people due to influence of social media. Three specific factors will be used from the study to appraise the buying pattern of people. In this research, structured questionnaire under survey method is used to collect information from the informants, as well as exploratory research approach has been used. A group of 170 people has been selected using non-probability convenience sampling method to do the research in time span of three weeks. The study showed that users of social media is increasing and digital media platforms help in swaying the bent of people in favour of the brands endorsed. Videos of influencers uploaded on you tube strongly impacts the people, but the impact is not that strong which motivates people to buy the products immediately. Study also disclosed that age is an important factor affecting the money spent on the beauty products and the number of times purchases are made.



Keywords: Cosmetics, Beauty Products, Buying Behaviours, Influencers, Social Media Marketing.


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