App Marketing: A Digital Marketing Innovation

In this Digital Era of Marketing where you can just snap a deal, Ola your cab, Google your doubts, you tube videos, vision through Lens kart, flip your cart and your latest fashion mantra is Myntra. The morning yawn and a cup of tea is replaced by your smart phone. You are already in the app world where you are either checking your fitness login or your daily offers. Research says that In India there are over 900 million mobile phone connections over 200 million internet users. This sustainable marketing approach is taking our society towards a paperless world. App marketing is a real sustainable approach and a viable option connecting buyers and sellers regardless the time frame and distance. It is estimated that by 2020 there will be US $ 100 Billion e- commerce market. New data of Ac Neilson shows that Android and iphone users age 18 and over, spend 65% more time each month using app then they did in last two years. The increasing number of smart phone users and the daily application download rate is itself a reason which defines the adaptability of this sustainable approach. The popularity of app marketing amongst the common man is definitely proving that we are in a technology driven world. But, the question of privacy and the intellectual property issue is the major challenge for this digital marketing option. The present internet usage statistics and the increasing rate of Smartphone usage in India is an evidence for digital innovation and a shift of marketing communication and technology aiming towards creating a better sustainable growth of business.


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