Economic Growth is determined by two types of factors namely

Economic Factors

Non-Economic Factors

1.) Natural Factors

Land and its composition fertility of land forest wealth, mineral resources, water resources, climate sea resouces, environment and ecology (clean air, water and environment) etc.

2.) Human resources

Quantity and quality of working population and the ratio of working condition and the ratio of dependent and working population, physically and mentally handicapped qualified but unemployed or underemployed persons.

3.) Capital Formation

Growth is a function of rate of capital formation (Physical and human), Basic social and economic overheads as the term used by Prof A.O. Hirschman

4.) Technical Knowledge

Innovations, scientific knowledge research and developing leading to change of production functions for the better reduction of cost increase in quality of the product and process leading to removing of market imperfections and structural changes with application of skills.

5.) Entrepreneurial Skills

Leadership, management, supervision and administration and risk bearing and uncertainty bearing qualities with positive attitude to develop scientific thinking process, research and development orientation.

1.) Human endowments and social attitudes.

2.) Political Conditions

Trust and faith in different forms of government. Internal law and order, external security, transparency, accountability and expediency.

3.) Socio-cultural- Psychological set up.

Joint family system, Purdha system, illiteracy, Belief in case system and its consequences that is discrimination between upper and lower castes, illogical thinking, backward and outdated social traditions, class conflicts, gender inequalities etc. eliminating of social evils.

4.) Moral and ethical values.

Unscrupulous business dealing, Basic value based system-country is supreme, equal opportunities of growth and development to all sections of the society without any discrimination on the lines of caste, religion, region, gender, colour etc

5.) Social and Eco security

No exploitation, oppression, child labour, conservation of resources of the country. Above all humans right under democratic system.


Caste_census is being demanded by our policy makers. We have come out of the vicious circles of the untouchability class conflicts and social conflicts on the issues of reservation. We cannot forget the situation when the Mandal commission was implemented in the country. At least we should go through the life sketch of our Icon Dr. B R Ambedkar. India is now targeting to become a global economic and knowledge power and still we are making a case for keeping the caste system alive. This research paper is an outcome of the consequences of caste system (we have seen and read)



Keywords: Traditional Mindset, Retreating, Caste Census, Caste System, Global Economic.


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