Impact Of Branding Elements On Consumer Choice : A Study

Subsequent to the Second World War the seller’s market has moved out and buyers market has arise. Consumerism has dominated all the facet of life that follows the pattern of the entrepreneurial culture where the human values have an unusual measure, ‘you are known by what you have not by what you are’. This of course leads to the life in a society where one and all want to have an exceptional place in the society, by possessing the things which sets them apart from the rest of people in the society. And for living in the present society the brands not only represent the symbol of the company or product but to a larger extent define the general life of a person. Branding is a process of stamping a product or a group of products or something else which the marketer offers, with some identifying name and mark or combination of both. It creates individuality in the offering facilitating it to be easily distinguished and recognized in the market from rival offerings. The purpose of this study is to examine how influential specific brand Elements are and how important they are to the overall brand. This paper expands the understanding of different brand elements and highlights the importance of brand elements that highly influence consumer involvement in product purchase.


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