Modern working practices have been developed in recent years to maximise workers efficiency while keeping clear differences between professional and personal life. The technologies thus designed allow for easier access to information from numerous locations. Hybrid working is a highly dependable technique that provides for flexible working practices that essentially give autonomy of how, when and where one can accomplish their work effectively. It allows an individual to choose between working in a traditional office or any kind of third space facilitating maximum flexibility. Implementation of these flexible policies have increased the occupancy of collaborative spaces in recent times. Collaborative spaces are shared work spaces that provide a wide range of amenities that facilitate all the requirements of the users fostering distinct work-life balance. Collaborative spaces provide the best opportunities for the emerging office type by providing unique environments for these flexible workers. The aim of this research is twofold: to analyse the advantages of using collaborative spaces as a hybrid workplace; and the impact of using collaborative spaces on hybrid employees’ flexibility, job control, isolation and burnout. This research is built on the responses acquired from 103 users of collaborative spaces through a structured questionnaire and is supplemented by in-depth interviews and extensive review of literature. This descriptive and analytical paper uses regression analysis to arrive at the conclusion. The inference drawn can help in giving an insight to the HR policy makers in an organisation about the benefits of using collaborative spaces as a neutral place of work for flexible workers.


Keywords: Collaborative Spaces, Hybrid Working, Flexibility, Job Control.



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