ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Manisha Gupta

As the term of women’s Economic Empowerment is comparatively new, in spite of great importance of the term in women’s lives also as in the nation’s economy, no effort has been given to estimate economic empowerment of women with an appropriate definition of it in any literature in whole India. However, it is expected that the extent of economic empowerment of women of a state and nation will rightfully reflect the status of women of the identical. The governments of varied countries are undertaking women centric policies since years to create overall empowerment of women. In India also, efforts had been started since the primary Five Year decide to achieve empowerment of women’s intellectually, socially, economically and politically. The women centric schemes are going to be successful to guide economic empowerment of women’s on condition that the problems addressed by these schemes show the way for economic empowerment. Besides, the schemes should match with the particular needs of women of the region, where it's being implemented. This is often the strategic requirement partly of the schemes to be effective for economic empowerment. Moreover, in some cases the authority introduces schemes at different points of time with different names but with the identical content like “old wine in a very new bottle”. Where, it seems that new scheme is introduced without analysing the impact of the sooner schemes. The impact evaluation of the schemes reveals their areas of strengths and weaknesses, which may be an efficient base for the formulation of latest schemes. However, the study of impact evaluation of women’s centric schemes in India is missing. In the present study, the attempt has been made to assess the amount of economic empowerment of women’s in India.



Keywords: Empowerment, Economic, Strategic, Contribution, Distribution, International, Agenda.


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