Education aims at making children capable of becoming responsible, proactive and useful members of the society. The aims of education simultaneously reflect the current needs and aspiration of a society, lasting values and broad human ideals. With the developments in the field of Communication Science and Technology, the world has become a global village and for becoming an efficient citizen of this global village, the citizens of tomorrow (students) need to have skills to survive in such a global society. Thus the new wave of globalization makes new demands on education. The impact of Globalization and advancements in the field of Communication, science and technology are driving changes and reaches far deeper into every facet of human life, be it the social, economic, environmental, political, trade, business and educational landscape at a rate and magnitude that is too great and too multiple to ignore. Global media increasingly influence local cultural practices, and globalized education is an issue which is the basic requirement of every nation. Thus, the creation and diffusion of new technologies, including those of the Internet, are transforming the nature of science, ways and means of communication, educational patterns and pedagogies and last but not the least type and process of work. Globalization is and will continue to have an increasingly vital role in finding out training needs and also in explaining how and what the learner comprehends about the world in which they live and work.



Keywords: Skill Development, Education, Communication, Globalization, Socio-Economic Environment.


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