ISO 9001:2015


Preeti Gugnani & Dr. Richa Chauhan

There is a requisite to endorse workplace spirituality for growth and progress of employees’ organizational commitment and job satisfaction. In many of today’s organizations, people only bring their arms and brains to figure, not their souls. The end result is that organizations don't activate the complete creativeness and skill of their employees and employees, in turn, don't achieve in raising themselves as complete individual beings. In tough times, it's usual that employees switch to spirituality for solutions, safety and internal harmony. As many persons need to toil for extended time just to measure economically, there's a bigger requirement for them to unite the work with spiritual outlook of their lives. Other have to have spirituality in workplace is because it helps organization to extend its conduct. Organizations that are more spiritually norm based in their actions also are more lucrative. Those employees who are less satisfied with their jobs exhibit tendencies like more absence, change their jobs, disregarding rules, complaining about the duty, injuring the organization, extravagancy, imaginary sickness and mishaps, and psychological illnesses. The satisfaction and commitment of employees is incredibly vital to the success of any organizations. Employees who are contented with their professions normally have a greater level of skillful competence. They feel capable in respect of their evidence of contented teaching capabilities, and that they feel sheltered about classroom supervision. The effectiveness of an working system depends largely on the work satisfaction of employees employed in the system.



Keywords: Creativeness, Harmony, Satisfaction, Sickness, Competence, Working System, Lucrative.


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