Enterprises set up by women are diverse, in terms of size, sector, and level of performance. Women entrepreneurs differ in their age, general education, family background, entrepreneurial capabilities, motivation and, management styles. As such women entrepreneurs are not a homogeneous group. It is important to study the levels at which women entrepreneurs differ and how those differences can be leveraged to promote higher levels of entrepreneurship among women. This paper studies the diversity among the women entrepreneurs based in Jaipur.  A sample of sixty women entrepreneurs from diverse fields focusing on two categories of variables i.e. one related to the social-demographic profile (age, marital status, general education, family structure, occupational background of the family, and Occupation of women entrepreneurs before becoming an entrepreneur) of women entrepreneurs and second related to enterprise-level differences were studied. The paper highlights the strategies adopted by women entrepreneurs for the growth and expansion of businesses. Demographically, the extent of diversity was high than on the enterprise level. Women-owned enterprises are small in number, are proprietary, and unstructured. Women entrepreneurs were diverse with respect to entrepreneurial activity as well. The majority of a woman chose clothes and garments (23.3 percent) as business, followed by education (13.3 percent), jewelry designing (11.7 percent), beauty and grooming business (6.7 percent). There is also a wide range of diversity in strategies adopted by women, for the growth and expansion of their businesses. 68.3 percent of women entrepreneurs were those who already had an established family business but chose a business profile, different from the family business, while 31.7 percent of women were from employment background who chose to become an entrepreneur. The role of government in supporting businesses is important for encouraging women entrepreneurs.


Keywords: Entrepreneurial Diversity, The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector of India.


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