At present, climate change is standing in front of the whole world as a serious problem, Bikaner district has also not remained untouched by this problem. Due to climate change, the situation of divergence in various climatic components is also seen in Bikaner district. The main objective of this paper is to assess the speed and direction of changes in the climatic variables due to climate change in the study area. The researcher has analyzed various climate variables such as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, and wind speed between the years 1981 to 2020 in this study. Statistical tools like linear regression, standard deviation and Coefficient of variation etc. have been used by the researcher for the analysis of climate variables. Bikaner district is located in the far west of the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is situated between 27°11' to 29°03' north latitude and 71°54' to 74°12' east longitude. Bikaner district is spread across an area of 30,247.90 sq. km. The district is located on the western border of the country; hence the importance of this district increases even more. Bikaner district is a part of the arid region of Rajasthan, thus there are extreme climatic conditions. In the district, high temperature and low humidity prevail for most of the months of the year. The analysis of climatic variables in the study area Bikaner district shows that there has been a decrease in the minimum and highest temperatures, due to which a partial increase in air pressure is reflected here. In the last four decades, there has been an increase in relative humidity here, whose effect is seen on the precipitation here, there has been a partial increase in the amount of precipitation, as well as a partial decrease in the wind speed here in the last four decades. Keeping in view the above circumstances, it can be clearly stated that deviation can be seen in various climatic variables due to climate change in the study area.


Keywords: Climate Change, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Surface Soil Wetness and Precipitation.


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