COVID-19 Pandemic brought the world upside down, in several ways, including the attitude of people towards life and each-other. Such unprecedented event happens once in a century, been mentioned in the reports by scientists and experts. News across the corners apprise, how human lives suffered and came to an end mercilessly in no time. In countries across the globe, the impact of coronavirus crisis is severe on humankind in more than one way. On one hand, this steer to global health and medical emergency, and nations are required to prepare themselves with adequate medical facilities, and infrastructure urgently, and losing the employment from the result of subsequent lockdowns, which is declared as elementary measure to combat with this medical emergency in absence of vaccine. With the aim to mitigate risk of hunger, deprivation and unemployment, harmonious measures of holding hands and humanitarian empathy among the people beyond the demographic and geographic boundaries are comprehended. The study in this paper puts light on these humanitarian gestures and factors which motivates them to undertake these humanitarian feelings. Later, at the invent of vaccine against coronavirus and inoculation drive, an unparalleled humanity is witnessed among the global citizens. The act of Indian Government has been receiving applause for sharing COVID vaccine with more than 60 countries, from Director, WHO and equally from its neighboring South Asian Nations, on the premises of MAITREYI Initiative. This humanitarian approach at a time of pandemic, is the crux of this study. In this time when modern technology and medical advancements dominates, the harmonious and humanitarian gestures are worth mentioning and provide sufficient grounds to the academicians to search for the psychology and behavior of the human beings from every corner of the planet. National and International- Coalitions & associations are the aftermath of the pandemic which are being processed to form the epidemic preparedness and innovations with collaboration from UNICEF and other similar global organizations. Apart from the scientific knowledge and medical treatments, patients are being treated with love, care, empathy, perseverance and YOGA. Yoga and meditation are emerged as pragmatic submission in order to saving life on earth. The objectives of the upcoming study shall be – one, to appraise the role and contribution of humanitarian approach along with the medicine and hospitalization to the COVID patients, secondly, further to concoct for similar global health crisis in future. Technology has extensively entered into everyone’s life on the grounds of rescuing us from isolation, quarantine during treatment and running economy be it health-sector, education or corporate sector, progressively in the name of AI, ML, cloud computing, big data-analysis etc common to learn for. The major learning from this pandemic, summaries that the harmony of body, mind and soul with each other is quintessential for survival of human life on this planet. The study will be based on the reports from ministries, CMIE (Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy), UNDP (United Nations Development Program), Global agencies such as WTO & IMF etc. Visits to libraries and requisite websites are proposed in this study. The study is undertaken to assess the Harmonious and Humanitarian Approach in combatting the medical emergency in pandemic. To survive and save the human life on earth become the ultimate motto of global leaders.



Keywords: Harmony, Humanitarian Approach, Health Crisis, Attitude, Behavior, Pandemic.


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