ISO 9001:2015


Priyanka Kumari

Screen addiction is common in children these days, and most of the parents today complaint that their kids spend a lot of time in front of television. Earlier eating was an ethical and joyful act but now it’s a duty that everyone wants to be done with it either while watching or travelling. If mealtime involves screen time too then one must understand the potential problems, it may cause. In case of children who are fussy eater, chances are that we let them watch their favourite cartoons or TV just to get them eat what served on their plate. But resorting to screen time to get the child to eat food may harm them more than good. In this techno world the family quality time and children’s health are dire. The family meal is a time to share news, give guidance and to make plans together. In terms of children’s health, family meals were an opportunity to provide all the family members with a healthier diet, based on wholesome homemade foods, which seems to lose its importance in this gadget-vulgarized world. Moreover, it is also of vital importance that what children are consuming via digital devices. They are born in the environment that surrounds screen time including parenting and socioeconomic status. If somehow, we agree that there are some potential benefits of screen as it can be used as teaching tools- but on contrast it has potential physical and mental health drawbacks. The ubiquity of these digital devices makes children to easily spend too much time being sedentary. So, it’s a demand of time that we should minutely watch our screen interface timing both qualitatively and quantitatively.



Keywords: Screen Addiction, Family Meal, Drawbacks.


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