ISO 9001:2015


Mahak Chhabra & Prof. Mudit Rathore

Emotional Intelligence is the capability of the person to understand, manage and regulate his or her own emotions and possess ability to regulate the emotions of others as well. The five key elements of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. The blend of these skills or elements makes a person emotionally intelligent. Teacher effectiveness is generally defined as the teacher’s ability to utilize approaches, strategies, connections to students and a particular set of attitudes that lead to improved student learning and achievement. Teacher effectiveness is influenced by different factors like subject mastery, motivation strategy, student-teacher interaction, personal attitude, effective communication, classroom management, presentation strategy, academic support and evaluation and feedback etc.  Effective teaching impacts students’s academic achievement, physical, emotional, social and behavioural well-being. Emotional Intelligence act as an indicator and predictor of teacher effectiveness as it prepares the teachers to become effective teacher  equiped with all the key skills which ultimately makes them emotionally intelligent teachers and bringing effectiveness in teaching learning process. This paper makes an attempt to explain and highlight the importance of emotional intelligence and how it acts as predictor of teacher effectiveness.



Keywords: Liquidity, Cash Conversion Cycle, Current Ratio, Dividend, Cash Management.


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