When you purchase online, you are engaging in E-commerce, which is the practise of acquiring and selling goods and services via the internet. It has gained in popularity in recent years as a result of the growing usage of the internet and the rising number of smart phone users in the population. The internet has emerged as a critical platform for e-commerce and online purchasing of all kinds. We can't imagine doing business in the modern era without the internet. Depending on their tastes and preferences, consumers will purchase a wide range of products such as clothing, shoes, electronic items, and services through online shopping. This distribution mode is known as zero-channel distribution, which means that consumers will purchase products directly from producers without the use of intermediaries or middlemen. It allows you to save a huge amount of time, energy, and money on your project.Among the objectives of this study are analysing and comprehending the consumer's perspective on online shopping, identifying and understanding the various issues that consumers face while shopping online, and developing efficient solutions to these problems.



Keywords: Online shopping, E-shopping, E-Commerce, Perception, Preferences.


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