This study is emphasized on progress of Retail industry and e-trade in India. This paper provides information in progress of e-trade at different time period. It also focusses on growth of organization who are engaged in e-trade. Nowadays, e-trade is growing drastically. This market are distressing businesses of the small or traditional market.  Customers are inclined with online market. This study is related to top ten e-trade Ventures and their growth in India. Through literature review, we must find out different techniques of research with the help of case study and overview. Growth of e-trade in different countries related to FMCG (Fast Moving Consumable Goods) products which we can consider for further study. E-trade or business to target audiences based on factors like gender, age, location, interests, and education and to ensure that their ads are shown only to the people most likely to want what they are selling. Companies can also retarget its potential customers using different methods and messages for each audience. In this type of research growth of retail sector are based on customer satisfaction. E- trade wants large amount of capital contribution and provides large number of vacancies for growth of such type of trade. Several extraneous involvements were also possible through these trades in India. Maximum contribution of young generation in E-trade is possible due to advancement in the technology and for their comfort relate to other age group. Flipkart and Amazon are main E-trading platforms which become trendy among the youngsters. E- trade is also famous due to diversity of collections for the consumers to choose the product at a satisfactory and worth full price. According to review of study in research are systematized in sequential order so that it approve us to trace the ancient progress of the procedure used, the perfection in data disclosure and valuation practice and the involvement of each piece of investigation to the standard of information.



Keywords: Retail Industry, E-trade, Evolution in India and Growth in India, FMCG.


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