Obesity is over nutrition coming from extra fat engrossing our body. India is a country where under nutrition is one of the foremost problems. But obesity is now a mounting issue in India. Last ten years obesity in India increases more than double. Overnutrition happens when you take in more of a nutrient (or nutrients) than you need every day. While many people think malnutrition means a lack of nutrients, overconsumption or extra fat absorbing body is also considered malnutrition because it has also a negative health consequence. Obesity is the cause of many critical diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cholesterol etc. So, for healthy life obesity should be controlled. We collect data from NFHS-5. Data indicates rate of increase in women obesity is more than the man obesity in India. The urban people are suffering more obesity than rural people. In conclusion, Income is an important factor which intensifies the obesity. Others factors are standard of living, excess calorie consumption, frequent sleep is the significant factor for obesity. To control obesity, we require daily exercise and diet. Now a day, everything of our life is control by machinery items. Modern life utilizes convenience tools are televisions, computers videogames, remote controls, washing machines and also mobile phone. More people are waste their time on this device. Result of that they are not exercise. These tools are help to save huge calorie in our body. This creates over Weight.
Keywords: Obesity, BMI(Body Mass Index), Disease, Diet, Over-Weight, Malnutrition.