ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Neeraj Karagwal & Dr. Sanjay Mandawat

Today India faces varied problems and challenges of ecological disequilibrium, population-explosion, increasing trend of urbanization, water and energy crisis, rapid industrialization, pollution and excessive exploitation of natural resources. It consequently rising regional disparities and created pressure on land resource and environmental imbalance. Development and economic growth are at the cost of degradation of natural resources, particularly producing land area. The study aims to investigate rationally and objectively the dynamic nature of settlements, agricultural land and other land-use pattern and queries to make useful suggestions for sustainable development. To achieve aim of sustainable development, we need strategies and planning for utilizing the land resource through forestation, pasture and agricultural development, systematic settlement, urbanization and industrialization. The land use policy is also important due to the ongoing land acquisition disputes.  The change in land-use pattern is the best indicator of socio-economic and cultural development, so plans need to be oriented with specific objectives and further gainful strategies for land utilization. According to the new policy, there is a plan to divide the country into six zones on the basis of main land uses and these zones are rural and agricultural areas, areas undergoing transformation, urban areas, Industrial areas, ecological and disaster prone areas. For each type of area, different organizing methods will be used to suit different local needs. The direction and pace of the land resource dynamism in the country need to be accelerated to match with the growing rate of population and rapid urbanization. It should also include a plan to make land use change irreversible in agricultural and ecologically sensitive areas. The Policy should an attempt to further these objectives and to regulate and control the increasing competition between different sectors for land resources. The policies and decision related to land use will play a determining role in resources conservation and sustainable development in our country.



Keywords: Sustainable Development, Resource, Planning, Strategies, Land Use.


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