The world has been going through a pandemic phase for the past couple of years. In person interactions have been stalled and big organizations with large number of employees have switched gears to address the work commitments while keeping the employees safe. One such evolution is making remote work possible wherever it is feasible. Technology organizations across the world have created platforms for collaboration and execution that made work from home possible for millions of employees. Though the idea of working from home sounds promising for safety of the employees, it opened new avenues for employment fraud. The current case deals one such situation that rose in IT department of a leading Metro rail division in east coast of the Unites States.

                Purpose: The present case deals with the employee’s loyalty towards organisation and their work commitment. The purpose of this case is about employee fraud relating to commitment and personal benefit and consequences thereafter.

                Scope: Similar situations may be prevailing in different sectors and different jobs engaged from home. This case discussion may be relevant to such situations and find a way to identify and tackle such situations. Such discussions will help in enlightening the employer – employee and to other domains like educational institutions where the online mode is prevailing and may continue with development in education technology.

                Conclusion: The global data reveals that reveals that almost all sectors are opting the work from home mode. In this backdrop, the employer and employee need to be loyal to each other and continue their loyalty and commitment mutually to go forward in difficult situation like pandemic.


Keywords: Work from Home, Employee Fraud, Employee Loyalty, Team Work.


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