The coronavirus disease (COVID-19), is a variant of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) originated in Wuhan city of China and has now transmitted over the globe. Several vaccines are available now. The upper infection rate in  India has challenged several medical facilities like availability of medical oxygen, ventilators and absence of COVID-19 medicines in the hospitals. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every aspect of human life and  the global economy. The number of latest cases and deaths is increasing at an alarming rate with no signs of control yet, making the estimates of its economic and other impacts uncertain. Reckoning on the extent of COVID-19 impact in each country, yet as country-specific situations and capacity, the world's Governments are adopting different levels of interventions, including travel restrictions and lockdown to stop the expansion of the virus. Worldwide lockdown was initiated to limit gathering, transport and industrial activities. Lockdown thanks to COVID-19 showed reduction in environmental pollution. The standard of air and water improved in metro cities and in rivers during COVID-19. This research paper is not covering only the latest updates about covid-19 relating to environment, including air, water and biomedical waste and sustainable development at global level but also it covers the fundamental mechanism of COVID-19 transmission.


Keywords: Lockdown, Pollution, Biomedical Waste, Sustainability, Environment Recovery.


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