Tourism sector plays an important role in developing economies of world. Partnership has become a replacement financial model of management strategy to require advantage of obtainable resources from different agents for capital investments. This paper serves the target to seek out the advantages of Public Private Partnership (PPP) and its introduction in Tourism sector in Indian economy with help of obtainable research in past years. Paper aims to specialize in the areas where it's been used as a technique and to the extent it is a successful tool to leverage the available natural and manmade resources for Tourism. The paper discusses cases of agreements between government and therefore the private sector for provisions for public services or infrastructure in Tourism Sector. Government being public sector identifies and provides a framework for developing the economy whereas private sector offers investment, management and workforce. Cases reveal ventures are successful where the participation is a component of policy framework and intense and ventures are failure where both government and personal bodies share proprietary rights. Tourism is characterized as being a sector that stands out together of the business activities with the best potential for worldwide expansion, and as an engine for economical process. If at the national level, the appeal of tourism is critical, on the local level this sector presents itself as an important tool in development, as a way to avoid regional desertification and stagnation, stimulating the potential of more undeveloped regions. In such a competitive sector as tourism, companies should develop synergies and achieve competitive advantage. During this context, public-private partnerships play a crucial role in entire development. The aim of this paper is to present a theoretical context that mixes different concepts and elements to elucidate and understand the public-private partnership phenomenon in tourism.



Keywords: Partnerships, Public-Private Interface, Development, Conceptual Model, Tourism.


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