Teachers’ morale can be defined as the enthusiasm, confidence and willingness to perform in order to make the learning process effective for the students and to accomplish organizational goals. Employees with high morale work with positive attitude and feel confident, satisfied and motivated while performing their duties in the organization. On the contrast, employees with low morale experience frustration, dissatisfaction and pessimism.  This research paper focused on identifying various factors affecting morale of management teachers. Various factors like top management support, workplace conditions, communication, rapport among colleagues, compensation system, rewards and recognition, workload, equitable treatment and students’ feedback etc. affect teachers’ morale. This research paper discovered various causes of low morale of management teachers and described the impact of National Education Policy,2020 on morale of teachers. This research paper also provided a blueprint for building high morale among all the members associated with the institution. Providing good working conditions, sound compensation system, job security, work-life balance, growth opportunities organizations can boost morale level of employees and ensure their self-confidence, happiness and enthusiasm. This research paper has also mentioned four combinations of morale and productivity. In addition to the factors, blueprint, combinations, this research paper has also described classical, psychological and social approach of morale.



Keywords: Morale, Enthusiasm, Confidence, Happiness, Satisfaction, Willingness, Management Teachers.


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