ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Elisha Kolluri

Effective teaching can be defined in many ways including teacher behavior, teacher knowledge, teacher beliefs, and so forth. Effective teaching as the ability to improve student achievement. It enables a teacher that how learning process should be initiated, how to motivate, how to memorize or learn. It helps teachers to guide the students in right direction in order to canalized student's abilities in right direction. Educational measurement is an act or a process that involves the assignment of a numerical index to whatever is being assessed. The term educational measurement is used to measure physical qualities of a thing or a person and psychological and educational qualities of a person. For example, we measure the height, weight and age of a child and also measure its intelligence, abilities in various fields. Physical measurement is direct and simple and its tools are meter, liter, gram etc. Psychological and educational measurements are complex and expressed in grades or marks. Educational measurement helps to know a particular phase of child’s personality. Evaluation is a comprehensive and continuous process which assesses overall personality of a child. It is quantitative as well as qualitative description of pupils’ achievement. It encompasses the terms ‘test’ ‘measurement’ and ‘examination’ and they are quantitative tools of evaluation. The methods of measurement such as tests, inventories, observation, interview, checklist, rating scales, attitude scales and projective techniques are useful to measure the student progress. Formative evaluation, summative evaluation and diagnostic evaluation are essential to identify the student’s weakness and strengths. Quantitative and qualitative tools of evaluation such as oral tests, written tests, observation techniques, sociometric techniques and self-report techniques are useful for teacher to measure the student’s performance in the teaching-learning process. The objectives of educational measurement and evaluation are to find out the student’s achievement and motivate them to learn, identify the strengths and weakness of the learner, discuss the tools and techniques of educational measurement and evaluation, develop cognitive skills, psychomotor skills and affective skills among the learners and make the educational measurement and evaluation an integral part of teaching-learning process.


Keywords: Educational Measurement, Educational Evaluation, Methods of Measurement, Qualitative Evaluation Tool, Quantitative Evaluation Tool.


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