A novel coronavirus (N-COV) is a new strain of corona virus that has not been previously identified in humans. COVID-19 pandemic has affected people social life and life style both positively and negatively. Infection increasing day by day more than 6 million reported worldwide. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown on socio-culture, economic, political and environmental and ecological aspects and how they changed our lifestyle? Friends and families are avoiding social contact with each other in lockdown. Family is such a strong basis of Indian culture, which has also stood as a strong pillar with every member in the struggle with pandemic. Due to this pandemic negativity increased among people, social and mental stress increase due to loss of work. Daily wage laborers lost their work and migrant workers started migrating to their homes on foot in lockdown. They are worried about their future but now instead of being afraid of this pandemic, we are learning to fight with it and moving ahead.
Keywords: Pandemic, Social Distancing, Community Spread, Lockdown, Quarantine, Isolate, Sanitize.