Women's entrepreneurship is a new thing in India, despite the fact that entrepreneurship has been around for a long time. From a lot of different socio-demographic factors about women's entrepreneurial lives, this study was done to find out what motivates and drives women to start different types of businesses. It has been a very detailed field study of women entrepreneur in small Rural India in this century from the point of view of how they live, grow, and make money outside of the big cities. The study used interviews with women who own businesses to get its data. Researcher used a standard questionnaire and a set of interview questions. To help their spouse and family with household chores was the most important reason for women to start their own businesses, according to a survey. Self-motivation came in second. A woman's age, education level, instruction status and marriage status have all been linked to her desire to start a business. Family type has little effect on her desire to start a business. Though they have been mostly motivated to do something economical to help their husband and share the burden of the families, there have also been a number of women, who have been motivated on their own to achieve economic self-sufficiency by pursuing business activities.



Keywords: Women Entrepreneur, Motivational Factors, Choice of Business- Types.


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