Development is the ultimate goal of each country of the world. To achieve  the goal country applies various kinds of policies. Education is the most important part of social infrastructure. Higher Education plays very important role in the process of development of the young minds and make them able to think innovatively. Prepare them to be able to step-up with changing global scenario. Collaboration is a powerful way to bring magical changes in the standard of higher education. In present era Higher Education is facing many challenges. To upgrade a university on the level of world Class University is quite challenging task. The teachers of university and colleges must make continuous changes to be with the increasing need of change in their field. Student also makes their selves aware to acquire the changing scenario. Collaborative environment promotes the overall development of the university.  In teaching institution majorly working style is common. This could be make innovative through collaborative practices. Collaborative practices promote innovative teaching techniques. Collaboration put force to come out of the comfort zones to the students and teachers. It promotes healthy environment among the students. Collaborative environment only became fruitful when the faculties get fully involved in the innovative practices.



Keywords: Collaborative, Environment, World Class University, Higher Education, e-Professionals.


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