We have always believed in the teachings of our Dharma grant has that there is a supreme power called God and the best part of our belief is that we also trust God for all his deeds and accept everything as they are somehow for the betterment of our life and humanity. The link to these lines for the present research article is regarding our experience of last 18 months especially where it again proved itself and taught us the value of time and life. Our technological development and growth of mankind in past few decades somewhere took us to wrong path of over exploitation of resources and our greed for acquiring more and more. The time that we spent during this pandemic called COVID 19 was horrible and it took a lot of struggle to survive with this spreading virus and the threat generated was even more threading and it is still there as we could not bring an end to it. The challenges posed were not only in the form of medical treatment, it was also for economic needs as the financial activities could not stop even when we are not safe to go out. This challenge of working for earning became the major of all the problems as everyone needed money for their daily needs for the food, shelter, education, security and above all for availing medical facilities and other precautionary measures. During this tough time a remedy that existed even but was not commonly accepted become the solution. The concept of work for earning seating at home was named WORK FROM HOME (WFH). It was not so popular earlier and also it was not offered easily. The control of employer was not considered good if WFH was practiced in industries and other places. But as there was a force to shift to online mode for working it became the necessity and most of the enterprises adopted it and also achieved good results. The present paper is about studying this concept its implications and its impact in present scenario.



Keywords: COVID 19, WFH, Technological Development, Financial Services, Information Technology.


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