Majority of the population of India lives in the villages and agriculture is their main occupation. In the past villages were self-sufficient and all the people were dependent on each other. The people exchanged their agricultural produce and also saved their goods for personal use. This was an activity of distribution and exchange of goods. Now a days newer methods are adapted for the exchange of goods which lead to the transport to the cities and increase the exposure of the farmers to newer markets. Various companies are rushing to Indian markets for opportunities for food production and for the use of agricultural produce. Farmers are exposed to two challenges the first that will immediately impact on their activity, will be the consequence of Covid-19. In India the government had to take preventive measures to restrict the community spread by imposing lockdown in the entire country excluding some essential services including agriculture. But due to the issues arising because of lockdown like transportation unavailability, manpower shortage, to follow social distancing, etc. the agriculture market has got heavily impacted. The second which is gradually taking shape is the effect of climate change and everything it entails with different rain patterns (unseasonal rains, floods, droughts) and temperature alterations will slowly force farmers to change their choice of crops.

Keywords: Marketing of Agriculture, Agriculture Produce Markets, Agricultural Product, Covid-19, Crops.


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