Corporate Social responsibility is a self regulating Business model that helps a Company be socially accountable to itself, its Stakeholders, and Public. Companies can be Conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of Society, including economic Social and Environmental. In the Ordinary course of Business, a Company is operating in way that enhances society and the environment instead of Contributing negatively to them. CSR also helps both Society and the Brand image of companies. Corporate Societies prefer solve Programs which are a great way to morals in the Workplace. The key idea behind CSR is for Corporations to pursue other Pro Social objectives, in addition to maximizing profits. This study aim to examine the moderating influence of Face concern on Consumer Response to brands associated with CRS. CSR is defined as an organization obligation to maximize its Positive impact and minimize its negative impact from the Society. This it deals all kind of effect of marketing decisions on Society. CSR is doing something good work for the societies which help to enhance the cultured and standard of the society. It increased people morals and confidante by the making of direct contact of consumes and including them to take risks and improves their confidence.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Model, Pro Social Objectives, Stakeholders.


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