Mutual funds are pooled financial entities that offer an alternative to direct investing. A mutual fund is a company that creates and manages investment portfolios for the general public. A mutual fund is a type of investment vehicle that pools modest sums of money from a large number of individuals with similar investing goals. The funds are pooled and invested in a portfolio of assets based on the investment goal to be met. Investors put money in and get units based on the unit price, which is referred to as the NAV (Net Assets Value). After subtracting investment management fees, the returns obtained from the invested pool of assets are split among the investors based on the amount they invested. The research is based on the performance of mutual funds and takes into account various journal papers that have been published. As a result, from the investor's perspective, it is essential to understand more how portfolio managers perform, but also investment policies. Similarly, at the macro level, it is worthwhile to examine the performance of fund managers as a whole to determine whether they add value to portfolios or simply reap full benefits from investors. Furthermore, achievements in the past does not guarantee that it will continue in the future. This is because high performance can be attributed to either a manager's ability or good fortune. As a result, it is interesting to understand the characteristics of funds as well as their performance, which helps investors understand how to choose their schemes.



Keywords: Mutual Fund, Fund Manager, Fund Scheme, NAV, Investors.


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