There are wide range of metaphysical philosophies, that outline the yogic techniques to attain the strengthening of the God’s instruments, such as the heart, the lungs, the brain and the divine awareness. When the idea of yoga, strikes a person, a sense of discipline comes to the mind and its regular practice helps one to connect to the self  and the spiritual powers. The practice of yoga, such as pranayama, padmasan, touching feet, suryanamaskar, to name a few, facilitates one to uplift one’s selfish interests, negative attitude, hatred and ego to the divine knowledge of the self awareness and then the higher phase of transcendence, with the help of the deep meditation.  The knowledge is not something to be grasped or roted, but to strengthen the equanimity, the integrity and the positive thinking, for the social discipline and the social welfare. The knowledge of the yogas and its types, has been a part of the teaching and the religious shastras, since the time of the Gurukul education, such as the Gyan -Yoga or the knowledge, the Bhakti -Yoga or the devotion and the Karma – Yoga or the performance of karma. In the Holy book of Bhagavad Gita, it is mentioned that  Arjuna’s mind is full of doubts, ambiguity, fear, convictions and the distress. His anxieties and dismayal rises, on seeing his own family, teachers, relatives and friends, on the battle front. Anytime a moment can come in a person’s life, that makes him blank, confused, stressed, anxious and so finished. His only wish is to see a light of hope or a sign of the Supreme Lord. A human being has to realize that the Lord exist inside a living being. This connect can only be felt with the knowledge of the self awareness, equilibrium and the integrity of the mind, body and  the heart (soul), through the holistic yoga. A person with a shallow life, always lives on the edge, that is his understanding of the life is to be born, grow, marriage, children and then death. The great saints have earned the divine knowledge and self awareness and so, they perform actions for the social peace and the social discipline. The human beings can make a raft out of the different yoga practices and sail through all the challenges of the life, such as pandemic. The different organs of the human body possess three qualities, that is unsteadiness, stability and the duality. The mind of the human being (blood, element of the water, knowledge, intellect) is very unsteady, being the part of the nature. The elements of patience, equanimity, equilibrium, steadiness and the self awareness helps the mankind to meet any challenges like the natural calamities or the pandemic and so, this paper is an attempt to explain the inter- relationship between the Universe, the Nature and the Human body and the significance of the laws of the nature and yoga to meet the natural and the man made challenges.

Keywords: Equanimity, Bhagavad Gita, God’s Instruments, Surya Namaskar, Self Awareness.


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