Today, the travel industry and hospitality industry has been valued as a major monster at worldwide level; India is no special case in this unique situation. Recognizing its multi-layered advantages in excess of two dozen nations have straightforwardly and in a round about way relied upon this abstained developing industry. Truth be told this industry has become a critical sector for any economy for its development and improvement regarding commitment to GDP and work age. The immediate and actuated effects of movement and the travel industry contributed UD$7.6 trillion into worldwide economy and 292 million work openings internationally (WTTC, 2017). Nonetheless, in this aggressive time, this industry is compelled to reconsider/rethink its systems to adapt to unstable business climate. Additionally, to remain and support in cutthroat age there is just a single decision for example eco-friendly practices. Recognizing this very reality, the current paper targets investigating the eco friendly works on winning in the Indian lodging industry. An organized poll was improvement to gather the data from lodgings. Usable reactions were (N=265), the information were examined by applying the factor examination. The outcomes demonstrate that there are sure eco friendly practices which win in Indian lodging industry and out of those practices there is a particular arrangement of practices which arose as generally significant for the future development of the association.

Keywords: Eco-Friendly, Hotel, Industry, Hospitality, Travel Industry, Business Climate.


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