A Constitution or for that matter any Law, will remain just a piece of writing on a parchment unless it's put into action. Law plays important role within the society. It’s a dynamic concept; some important questions are raised referring to its importance, these are
Meaning there by that law is the expression of the overall will. Law relates to general interest. It represents general will of the people of the state. Of course Law could be a body of rules which can be written or unwritten but should be obeyed by all the people. No doubt Law should be for the benefit for a every man, and it should be felt equally by a common man in every setup, which may in true sense be the goal of each setup. If we talk Equality, little question its break free the Justice and Merit. The prime concern of each founded is to produce these justices to each individual. Of these objectives are enshrined in Preamble of Constitution. The malady that faced by India is additionally faced by the entire world. India is not any exception. The globe community is under the grip of Legal chaos. There’s urgent have to check out problem and a concerted effort is required find the answer so as to supply Equal Justice to any or all.
The above perspectives have provided contours and content to the theme of the current research work. The necessity for a scientific analysis of concept of Equality and its dimensions deduce some general principles about the idea, character, and process and provoked and inspired this work. The correct to Equality and its dimensions, due to their common value, goals and imperatives of co-ordination, conform to a broad system and parameter, if to not a rigid formula.
Keywords: Fundamental, Equality, Political, Constitutional, Awareness, Systematic, Liberty, Justice.