Electronic customer relationship marketing is a key element for the success of banking business. Technology has changed drastically and social media is very influential tool to retain customers. In today’s digitalization age increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty is the most challenging job for banks. Customer’s satisfaction can cultivate the long-term relationship with banks, which will lead to increase in profits of banking firms. This paper is based on how E-CRM services can influence customer engagement and customer satisfaction. The propose of this study is to analyze the relationship between E-CRM services and customer engagement. The study is carried out with a convenience sample of 82 customers through the distribution of structured questionnaire for Varanasi. The data was analyzed with correlation analysis on SPSS statistical package. Results confirmed that E-CRM is positively significant in increasing customer engagement of Varanasi banks. The findings contribute to understand the effect of relationship marketing and customer engagement. Study further highlights the direction of future research.
KEYWORDS: E-CRM, Customer Engagement, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty.