ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Sharda Gangwar & Ankita Patel

There is no certainty of life, anything can happen at any phase, Agricultural sector also deal with uncertainty and risk. Every year one part of food crops is affected by natural calamities. They face a series of risks like flood, drought, and plant diseases, it not only affects the income and welfare of farmer’s households but also affects the Indian economy as Agriculture is a dominant sector of our economy. To achieve satisfactory management in agriculture and minimize losses, it is necessary to manage all these risks properly. Risk Management involves adopting appropriate strategies as a part of decision-making on daily basis and choosing among alternatives that reduce the financial effects of such uncertainties. The government of India has also implementing schemes to provide help to farmers facing adversity. This paper discusses the concept and performance of Risk management Strategies and various initiatives taken by the government to reduce the risk in agriculture. Research is Exploratory in nature. Secondary Data is used for the study. The data will be collected from different, articles, magazines, journals, and the internet.



Keywords: Risk Management, Agriculture, Agricultural Risk Management, Natural Calamities.


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