Financial inclusion defines a phenomenon of shifting paradigm from unbanked to banked, i.e. having access to formal financial services by all the individuals irrespective of gender, class, status and income (Uchenna Efobi & Osabuohien, 2014),(Thomas & Natarajan, 2018). We have observed that all individuals do not have access to or live -in denial to approach the financial institutions to avail the basic financial services due to different behavioural biases, i.e., where the role of behavioural finances comes into play. Behavioural finance is a new age finance which take into consideration human behaviour and perspective which explains the motive or reasoning pattern behind financial decision making of an individual because having only ownership of a bank account cannot be considered as an exact indicator of financial inclusion. In other words, behavioural financial explain various nuances of finance from behavioural perspective of human psychology (Simon, 2000). This paper aims to develop a cause-effect conceptual framework initiative dealing with financial inclusion and behavioural finance, i.e., how different behavioural biases impact financial inclusion.
Keywords: Financial Inclusion, Behavioural Finance, Behavioural Biases.